The IPL 2025 mega auction took place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on November 24 and 25, where Indian fast bowler Deepak Chahar was bought by Mumbai Indians for ₹9.25 crore. With this decision, Deepak’s seven-season-long association with Chennai Super Kings came to an end. This moment was quite emotional for Deepak. Before the IPL 2025 auction, Chennai had decided not to retain him. It’s worth mentioning that Chennai Super Kings retained five players.
Deepak Chahar had been an important player for Chennai Super Kings in the previous season. For IPL 2025, Chennai retained Ruturaj Gaikwad, Ravindra Jadeja, Matheesa Pathirana, Shivam Dube, and MS Dhoni. When Deepak’s name came up in the auction, Chennai Super Kings did not have sufficient funds, and Mumbai Indians bid ₹9 crore, bringing him into their squad.
Deepak Chahar has now broken his silence on this matter, sharing his emotions after leaving Chennai Super Kings. In an interview with Sports Tak, he explained that his connection with CSK was deep, and MS Dhoni’s support meant a lot to him. Deepak said, “Mahi Bhai has always supported me, and that’s why I wanted to stay with CSK. But when my name came up on the second day of the auction, I realized that CSK had limited funds. Still, they bid ₹9 crore, even though they had a total budget of ₹13 crore.”
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Deepak also mentioned that he had mentally prepared himself for the situation, knowing that he wouldn’t be returning to Chennai Super Kings, especially since Chennai’s budget had already been exhausted. He added, “Last year, my name came up first, so returning to CSK was easy, but this time the situation was different.”
Deepak Chahar has played 76 matches for Chennai Super Kings, taking 76 wickets at an economy rate of 7.91 in those games.